Aid after the earthquake 2015

We provided first aid and assistances for the village Dhawa (Gorkha District) right after the earthquake on April 25th in 2015. The village was very close to the epicenter of the earthquake. Dhawa is the home town of our mountain guide Prem Bastakoti. 

The call for help was: “My own house as well as all the village is completely destructed nothing is left with us. We lost all the cattles, house and even lifes. We have nothings left only our body we, are survive.”


Marcello and Thomas have slept in this ‘Hotelʼ six months before the earthquake in October 2015. It was less than 10km away from the epicenter.

With the help of 4000€ from private sponsors we were able to organize off-the-cuff rice, lentils, sugar, salt, oil and open tents. 

Help currently needed!

Approximately 30% of the planned costs are currently missing for the ongoing project to build a school hostel (details of the project can be found here). If everyone contributes a small part, we can all do something about poverty in Nepal by supporting local education directly.

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