Project hostel for students (start: 2019)

What is it about?

Especially in the Himalaya region many children can not go to school, because they live in areas which can only be reached by foot or which are not within walking distance.

Our project will enable children who – live in very isolated parts of the scattered rural community Samundratar – to go to school, have accommodation in the hostel, a place to study and facilities to feed themselves.

For more details please see the flyer:

Flyer about school hostal in Nepal

(click to download)

September 2019

Taking measurements of the building site:

Ausmessen der Baustelle

Meeting with the School Management Co­mi­tee:

Besprechung mit dem Schulmanagement-Komitee

Professor Schwing from Karlsruhe University of Applied Science taking measurements:

Professor Schwing beim Maßnehmen

A guard of honour by the students when starting the project on 25.9.2019:

Spalier und Klatschen zum Empfang

Help currently needed!

Approximately 30% of the planned costs are currently missing for the ongoing project to build a school hostel (details of the project can be found here). If everyone contributes a small part, we can all do something about poverty in Nepal by supporting local education directly.

Donate via PayPal


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